Monday, April 18, 2011

Tick tock...

We transferred two beautiful blasts (5 day old embryos), and there are 4 that were good enough to freeze. I'm really hoping we won't need the frozen ones! Transfer was about a week ago, and another week left until the beta (blood test).

Hoping this 7th try was the lucky one! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lucky seven!

After our last try didn't work, I took a break from blogging & surrogacy in general.  I had to take a break. The last failed cycle was mentally and physically exhausting. The meds take a toll, and its no fun being in total hormonal overload, with a big crash when the meds stop. It was nice to get back to my "regular" life and take a break for a little while. Jen mentioned in January they'd like to try again, and I was totally on board. I started meds in March and we're all ready to go! This is our 7th try, and hopefully the LAST try!! John needs a sibling!!

As of this moment, the parents have 7 little embryos growing nicely. IVF transfer day is not scheduled yet, possibly Saturday or Monday.