Friday, August 19, 2011


If you read my last entry, you'll know the fiasco we've had this cycle. I can attest to the fact that the stuff that happened in the past 3 weeks is so not the norm. Unfortunately, our crazy cycle mishaps and issues have continued. After our camping trip, I went to MD for an appointment. The blood work was fine, as was the baseline u/s, but the Dr couldn't do the saline ultrasound as planned. Since I stopped the pill, I had another period and it was Day 5 and still heavy. There is a greater risk of infection, so I was not able to get it done. Never fear! I was told I could get it done locally. Yay!

After a few phone calls, getting billing all figured out, it was possible to have it done in Pittsburgh. The clinic had faxed my orders and I sat waiting for my name to be called. And waiting. And waiting. I went to the desk and ask if there was a problem. My fax was missing. They called the clinic and re-faxed. An hour later, I asked again, what is the hold up? They called the clinic and re-faxed. Sensing a theme? My name was finally called just an hour and 45 minutes after my appointment time. The tech was very nice, did the ab u/s and left to get the doctor for the saline part.

The doctor walks in and I can tell he should have retired about 40 years ago. I think he was about 129 years old. He says "Sorry, I can't do it today." Um, excuse me? He further explains that hospital policy is not to do any saline sonos after Day 10 of your cycle. He explained that I was on Day 12 and could possibly be pregnant and he would not do it. I explained that I could not possibly be pregnant and couldn't someone have passed this information on to me prior to me taking off my pants? Dr Old left the room. I was livid. I was left sitting there with no plans and no answers to my questions. I asked the tech "Now what? Get dressed? Leave?"  She said to wait a few minutes, and have Pat call the clinic. I told her that I could have been to MD and had the u/s done by now! I sent Pat out to the hallway (for cell service) and had him call the clinic. He walks back in the room and says "The phones are shut off from 12 to 1 for the lunch hour." Um, really? I kept "venting" to the tech that this was crazy, nobody told me, I can't possibly be pregnant as my husband had a vasectomy. She looked at me and said "I'll be right back!"

A few minutes later, the tech walks in along with a woman that says "I'm your doctor and I'll be doing your procedure today! Let's do some paperwork and take a deep breath!" She explained that since Pat had a vasectomy and I was already in the middle of an IVF cycle that she would do the saline sono today! I was just relieved that she was born in the same century as me. She was fantastic, explained everything and was super nice. Signed some papers, had the sonogram and as a result of our crap-tastic day, the tech took a minute to give us a free parking pass. So, three hours after our appointment time, we finally walk out of the hospital.
I'm just giddy with excitement waiting for our next appointment!

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