Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Half way!

I'm 21 weeks, and my next appointment will be a busy one. The parents and big brother will be coming up for my OB appt, and then we have another appointment that day for a sonogram! The parents are hoping to find out the gender, so everyone is hoping baby cooperates. I'm feeling little bumps here and there, which is reassuring to me as well as the parents.

I've been lacking at updating my journal, but honestly, this is another drama-free pregnancy. It turns out, that is exactly how I like them! I had morning (or rather ALL DARN DAY) sickness which finally eased up at the beginning of this month. Other than that...not much exciting to report. Well, unless you count my disappointment at having to retire my favorite pair of jeans. Pat had the pleasure of watching me try to put them on one last time. It was a huge fail on my part, and both of us had a good laugh at the attempt.

The kids are taking this all in stride. They know more about surrogacy and babies than I did at their age. They are all aware the baby isn't mine, and will go home with the parents and big brother. The kids like that John will now have a sibling. The funniest thing about my kids being six years older this time around, is they have also had health class. The boys like nothing more than to ask "Hey Mom, how's the fetus?" with a big grin and giggle. I'm glad they are so smart...most of the time.

1 comment:

  1. Great update!! :D Happy, healthy pregnancy and your family handling everything beautifully - what more could you ask for? :D
